Revival Is Coming

In my quiet time on the morning of July 14, 2013, the Holy Spirit spoke words he had spoken a few days earlier, “Revival is coming.” I am posting this word and others that I am at this time impressed to post. The notation below was recorded as best as possible capturing the words, pictures, and understanding revealed by the Holy Spirit. I was aware that for those that dwell within this move of the Holy Spirit, their greatest joy will be to live in the presence of this outpouring, while demonstrating a desire to honor God in every facet of life. There will be an immeasurable awareness of the Holy Spirit, His presence, holiness, and righteousness, ready to revive all who will receive. It may best be described as an immersion in the Love that created us, the Grace that has sustained us, and in the Hope, Jesus Christ, who redeemed us. Amen! I asked about revival in light of the hypocrisy and turmoil so evident across the globe. Some say revival is coming. Some speak of extreme trials and judgement. I too have received such words and so I asked how can this be? The Holy Spirit said, “Because both are coming.” As with any word given such as this, please pray for wisdom and understanding of what the Holy Spirit would reveal to you personally.

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“Revival is coming. It will not be a revival orchestrated by man. It will not be defined by words on church billboards.” (In my mind there was a picture of a church billboard announcing the dates of revival, ‘Revival here: Sunday thru Saturday, 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.). “Its spontaneity will catch most unaware. Man will not know the beginning nor the end. Revival will not be confined to one town, to one denomination, to one group of people. Like the wind it will blow and blow and blow. Like the wind, it will be beyond the control of the hands of men. Some will desire to benefit from its power and its glory to feed their greed. Instead, Revival will only allow them the power to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the constraints of their own hearts. Truth, grace, mercy, love, and glory will invite but Revival will enter only where it is received. All glory belongs to God. All glory and honor shall be revealed out of the hearts of sons and daughters, lifting praises and thankfulness for the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

This Revival will look different. It will not be the same as attending church, confined within a scheduled service as some would think. It will look different from other revivals. People will be touched and go into a revival ignited in their hearts where Revival will be received and then go with them into their lives and everywhere they go, or people will witness the hand of God and God’s touch and will want nothing of the touch. Many will attempt to stay clear of those walking in Revival. Truth will convict and require a decision. Rather than fall into the arms of God, many will turn away.”

“Within the movement of the Spirit of truth, there will be a mysterious rejoicing and oneness at the same time, a dividing as the wheat from the chaff. It will be beautiful, yet painful, as there will be a simultaneous tearing and mending. It will usher in a realm of new life as the Bride of Christ is prepared to leave behind all that hinders. Relationships will be severed, new relationships birthed, and all for the glory of God and His Kingdom. Those who reject the Revival will not understand those walking within the outpouring. Those immersed in God’s touch will know that explanation is beyond the realm of human ability. They will not be prompted to explain or defend their standing or the outpouring of God’s power, movement, or love. They will be compelled to share, but not to defend. Within Revival, truth will be pervasive. Those who will see will see and those who will hear will hear. Wisdom will declare in an open forum.

God has kept the prayers of those who have prayed for Revival. They are as beautiful vessels before him daily. He answered many years ago, but the day and the time were chosen by God to reap the most harvest. Those who have petitioned God for Revival and all their prayers have been ever before His sight. His pleasure and favor run deep as these children and their prayers have reached his throne. O how these have blessed God.

Revival is coming. Nothing can stop God’s long right arm, not distance, time, continents, governments, the folly of man’s intellect, no secret thing nor viral blip. God’s Spirit will go where man cannot. Like the wind in remote mountain crevices Revival will blow. God is in control and Revival is coming. Saints, declare ‘Restore!’”

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The Holy Spirit at this point led me to Isaiah 42:22-23. In my mind there was a picture of those immersed in the Revival. Some were standing face-to-face with another person, some in the midst of small groups, others standing before large crowds. All had their right hands raised declaring, “Restore, Restore, Restore!” The understanding given as I watched was that in these moments the Holy Spirit will move mightily and draw those with ready hearts. There will be countless salvations and waves of deliverance and healing. There will be those who have fallen away altogether who will return and those who are today cold or lukewarm who will be changed overnight. The preeminent message in this was foremost the sense of God’s pleasure at being united in a oneness that will transcend the boundaries and confinements of genealogies, denominational and historical family traditions, worldly deception, personal inhibitions, or pride of man. A mighty sound will go forth throughout the world. Revival’s voice will be heard lifting praise as it bows. Revival’s voice will be seen, fashioned in holiness, honor, and glory. Within the Revival, the sense of unity will be pervasive. The picture God gave me were fields and fields of tall wheat swaying and moving in unison to the wind. With this I heard, “It has but one direction. So shall it be with my Bride within Revival.”

This will be evident through repentance, love, and holiness apparent within those walking and living in Revival . There will be an understanding that to dwell in the love of God is to abide in relationship with Jesus Christ and God, encompassing all areas of life. Such true relationship is revealed within those that embrace Jesus Christ and seek God’s presence, living anew in the pursuit of truth, holiness, and righteousness. Persevere! It is not about attempting to be perfect. It is simply about the heart’s pursuit to draw near through the word of God and in the Spirit. In this place, it is desire that leads the heart that follows Christ, not duty. It is a mystery that the God of all creation would invite us to dwell and abide in Him and in turn call us his place of habitation, placing his Spirit within those that believe, accept, and follow Jesus Christ.

Jesus came to remove the condemnation of sin from mankind, to provide the means for all to be restored back into the presence of God again. So is the presence of the Holy Spirit, to draw all to the awareness of the need and provision of Christ, to repentance, salvation, life and more.