For Such A Time As This

Recently when I awoke, I immediately heard the Holy Spirit say, “Charades and shadows.” There was a long pause. I prepared to write as I believed there was more to come. Following is the fullness of the word I received. Please pray and ask for recognition and understanding of what applies from this word to your own life. I have sought the same, asking for revelation of anything God would have for me to see and understand, and to move accordingly.

Additionally, I want to share both the sense of urgency that accompanied this word as well as the feeling that I was dictating an invitation and a message of divine love and longing from the Father’s heart.

The word:

“Charades. Shadows. Brevity, brevity, brevity! For every shade of every shadow of pretense of rightness with dark motivations of the heart – hypocrites! There are those whose hearts and mindsets are satisfied in their deceit, those who lead with careless abandonment of what is right and good. This includes those within my church whose images are as the Pharisees and Scribes – Woe! To those both within my church and without who devise corruption and evil snares – Woe! From the lowest of every earthly crevice to the height and breadth of the highest of mountains – Behold! A shaking comes. Even the heavens shall not be spared. There is no earthly refuge nor plan that extends beyond the reach of my hand. Refuge is in the Lord. I have spoken of this day. And then, yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also the heavens. What shall remain? Those things which cannot be shaken will remain. A kingdom which cannot be moved awaits. This is not a new word. It is an old word, brought forward for such a time as this. My heart is for all to hear! My voice is echoing throughout the world. My voice and my ways lead to life, truth, love, repentance, restoration, and more. The voice of Satan will always lie as he is the father of lies. His paths lead to death, sin, loss, destruction, and control. If you have never accepted the invitation of life eternal through Jesus, come. Don’t delay! And for those in Christ, remember. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten, be zealous therefore, and repent. Review the letters to the seven churches. Ask the Holy Spirit if any of these words apply to you. Review and repentance are an ongoing part of the Christian life. Do not neglect steps to hold fast to a clean heart. Draw near!”