Every Scar Has a Story

Scars are not a reason for celebration, unless the story is perhaps a reminder that one lived through an event that almost took their life. Probably many of us have heard such stories of close encounters with death. Such accounts can give us pause as we hear the details recalled. Some of the stories are almost too crazy to believe. But there before us are the witnesses, the people, the scars. Every scar has a story.

Thomas, one of the disciples of Jesus, questioned the reality of his fellow disciples seeing Jesus after Jesus’ death. Jesus appeared to the disciples, but Thomas was not with them at the time. The disciples told Thomas of the encounter saying, “We have seen the Lord!” and Thomas doubted, saying, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” John 20:24-29 Some days later, all of the disciples were together in a home and though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “Peace be with you!” Jesus then spoke to Thomas and said, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Some find Jesus’ story too fantastic to believe. The foretold birth of the Son of God. His life and his three-year ministry. That every word foretelling of his birth, life, death, and resurrection would come to pass. That God reached for his creation to retrieve what had been taken from mankind, the ability to enter the presence of God. God is holy and pure, and sin has no place in his presence. The cost of sin was and is separation from God, but God dealt with this by sending his son who lived life purely and was a flawless sacrifice, removing sin for all who would believe. Jesus’ sacrifice was seen by many. He was also seen by many after his resurrection, appearing in various places, ending as he led eleven of his disciples to the Mount of Olives where he ascended to heaven. Every account and passage that was recorded in the Old Testament about Jesus came to pass. Today Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father, God. His next return will be to gather all those that are his, Christ followers. One day we will see his scars, but for now, as believers we have received Jesus’ promise in John 14:16-17 and 16:7-15, the Comforter, the Spirit of truth. All that was obtained thru Jesus Christ is ours, as those “who have not seen and yet have believed.” The scars on Jesus are evidence of His selfless love, His pursuit to remove Satan’s claim of sin that tethers us to certain doom outside of redemption. The blood of Christ, pure and undefiled, paved the way for each of us. We don’t need to see the scars, precious indeed. The Holy Spirit is evidence that the gospel is true, Jesus is the Savior, and His invitation stands true and is still extended to each who will believe. Please consider taking a step of faith. The invitation, still as a plea, speaks today, “Come!” Come and see for yourself. Meet Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit, and draw near to God. And then, having received the purest of love that gave its all for me and for you, learn to pour out that very love into the lives of others. Don’t delay. Come……

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To linger as Mary, sitting at His feet, the drawing near, such sweet proximity, the power of his love – pure, holy, complete! The wonder of this habitation, ours through Christ, risen, the gospel’s invitation.

Can you see it? Mary, leaning in, the world, a near but distant voice, too pale to contend with the one who would give His all. Divine love leads us here, to Jesus, our Redeemer through myriad journeys too numerous for words. Each soul stands, considering their way, heaven awaits what each will say.

Scars have a story, our own, and Jesus’ too. The cross, his appointment. Love engraved forever upon His hands, God’s provision. Through Jesus’ sacrificial pursuit – Hallelujah Christ is risen as God planned, and Calvary’s victory, unblemished payment still amends! In Christ alone all sin is gone, and we are reconciled – redeemed to God again.